Homes for Sale near Kenmore Middle School, Arlington VA

If you would like your child to attend a great niche standout middle school in Arlington, then this is an ideal school to consider, given that it ranks as the third of its kind. This public school currently has an enrolment of 942 students from grades six to eight, boasting of a fantastic student-to-teacher ratio of 12:1. Given the high number of students, it is impressive to see that the student state test scores show that at least 76% of the students excel in reading while 80% is good in math.

The school ranks 22nd regarding the most diverse public middle schools in Virginia, concerning economic and racial diversity. While most schools offer free or reduced lunch to about ten percent of the enrolled students, this school is one of the few that offer almost half the students some form of reduction, having provided this benefit to at least 47% of the enrolled students. There is also a consideration for students with special needs through the allocation of resources that work to meet their learning requirements better and thus help them become responsible members of society. Students and teachers have excellent relationships, and it helps that parents and the community lend a helping hand in shaping the young minds in the school.
Living in Arlington enables you to enjoy an urban feel as you immerse yourself in the family-friendly neighborhood where you can enjoy seeing your investment increase in value. At present, the house prices are at about $640,000, with a median rent of about $1,900.
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