How a Realtor Can Save You Money
We live in the digital age, but that doesn’t mean that everything digital is automatically better! The fact is, there are plenty of things that are still much better off being in human hands. For example, I doubt you want a computer performing heart surgery on you if you needed it. Bad time for a power outage for sure, or a computer virus to take hold. Probably also wouldn’t want a digital lawyer. That might not play to a jury too well unless the jury is made up of twelve other computers.
Yes, there are many, many websites, some quite large, that appear to replace the need for a realtor, but this isn’t really the case. All of these websites simply list available housing and real estate. Yes, they group them according to various attributes and so forth, but when you get down to it, they are simply listings. You used to be able to find homes listed in the newspaper, before the Internet or even computers were thought of. Yet realtors thrived back then, and for a number of good reasons.
That fact is, us humans still have a place in this world, and even in the world of modern commerce. This should hold true when it comes to buying or selling a home. The fact is that you just can’t replace the value of a good, experienced realtor. Realtors know neighborhoods, nuances of housing attributes and benefits, and the ebb and flow and the mood of the local market. These are not things that you can simply program into a computer. Here are several ways that a realtor can save you money!
- By Doing Legwork: You don’t just look at a set of numbers and go “that’s it… that is the place I want to call home for the rest of my life because the numbers match what I am looking for!” No, you go into the home, picture where the furniture will go, find what you like and don’t like, beyond the numbers. A good realtor can narrow down the number of listings to properties that fit what you are looking for in a home. Beyond the numbers. The same for selling property, they can get it in front of people who may actually be interested in the real estate that you are selling.
- From Knowing the Area: Computers can group things via zip codes and boundaries, but that doesn’t mean they know the area, or more importantly the people in the area. You work at nighty but the neighborhood is loud and planes fly low all day. These are things you might want to know, things realtors can help you with.
- Negotiating: You can send an offer through a computer but that is not negotiating. A real negotiation involves back and forth, and this is where the absolute best numbers can be found. It takes human interaction to do this, and realtors are quite SKILLED at negotiating, it’s what they do for a living.
- With Their Experience: You simply can’t beat the years of experience that a good realtor has. They know issues to look for, they know of excellent deals based on human variables, like a need to move quickly from a good home that makes the property a real value.
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